How Long Does a DUI Checkpoint Last?
A DUI conviction is a serious matter that can affect your freedom and your future. First of all, don't speed. This way, you'll know whether the attorney you choose will be comfortable handling your case and what kind of personality to expect. Getting a second opinion is also helpful, especially if you're considering hiring a criminal defense attorney. DUI lawyers tend to charge hourly rates for their services. He is a member of the California DUI Lawyers Association and many other criminal defense organizations. The difference is in the way they handle the case. An experienced DUI lawyer will be able to assess the factors in your case and provide you with professional advice. For example, losing your license can be more detrimental than prison time or probation. After graduating from law school, he served as an Assistant State Attorney in the 6th Judicial Circuit, which includes Pasco and Pinellas Counties. These fees do not include lost wages, insur...